Опис резюме
Goal oriented, communicability, responsibility, can work in command
Досвід роботи
01.07.2004 – 01.09.2005
Central Union of Consumer Cooperative Moldova
Creating site: http://www.moldcoop.md/. Contains information about the organization and range of goods, which can be ordered via the Internet MOLDCOOP organizations. Programming in 1C-Accounting. Create module for renewal of the nomenclature of goods. Working environment: Windows 95/98/XP, ISAPI/NSAPI, ASP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Macromedia (Adobe) Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Access, 1C.
01.08.2009 – По теперішній час
pixelBook S.r.l (former name PixelCaffè, Techvision S.r.l)
(business trip/work remotely) 2015 - 2016 Web-application: http://powerview.getpixelbook.com/3392e7f52c77f768ca45d4621c3a66e2/ http://powerview.getpixelbook.com/23f2257b71585a04c5d2acabb79af555/?p=2 (example) "pixelBook Viewer" front-end OOP JavaScript/jQuery, Less, IE9+/Firefox/Safari/Chrome and back-end Django, Vagrant; 2015 Site desktop/mobile: www.walla.me front-end JavaScript/jQuery IE8+/Firefox/Safari/Chrome and back-end Django, ImageMagick, Vagrant. (For "WallaMe" application iOS/Android "Private messages in public places" – enables its users to add augmented reality drawings to physical places and share them on social networks); 2011 - 2014 Cross-platform software: “pixelBook editor” (www.getpixelbook.com) Qt C++ Windows/OS X, MVC, OOP, 2D graphics, PDF reading, FFmpeg, HTTP server for preview on devices, Undo/Redo command pattern. Input/Output libraries Objective-C/Java iOS/Android. Back-end PHP/MySQL REST APIs for store publications; 2011 Software: Search flights and book cheap airfares “Volagratis” Qt C++ Symbian (Nokia phones); 2010 Cross-platform software: Editor for “BeatNebula on iPhone/iPad” game Qt C++ Windows/OS X; 2009 Software: Software: Accounting of rooms for hotels Qt C++ Windows. Working environment: Mac OS X, Windows 7/8, Linux, C++ (Qt), Objective-C (Mac, iOS), Java (Android), PHP (Laravel), Python (Django), MySQL, HTML, CSS (Twitter Bootstrap, Less), JavaScript (jQuery, Backbone, AngularJS), ImageMagick, FFmpeg, Automatization (AutoIt, AppleScript, Automator), Composer, Vagrant, Adobe Photoshop, Qt Creator, svn, git, PHPStorm, PyCharm.
01.10.2005 – 01.12.2006
ProWeb SRL
Programming sites www.ilove.md, www.proweb.md, site administration. Working environment: Windows XP, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Macromedia (Adobe) Dreamweaver, Macromedia (Adobe) Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop.
01.12.2006 – По теперішній час
SC LogicSoft SRL
Sites: www.hh.md, www.pages.md, www.broker.md, www.detectivmold.com, www.zoofarmagro.md, www.micusastil.md, www.manfredini.it, www.toaca.md, www.pospromo.md, www.translator.md, www.artdecorgr.com, www.bioglobal.md, www.elitelimo.md, www.lingvistica.md, www.neverpain.org, www.profarmacia.md, www.pro-megacom.com, www.tsintsikov.ru; Software: Database of importers and exporters for Logistics companies; Software: Currency calculator for www.pages.md; Software: Translator by using translate.google.com for www.translator.md ; Software: Organization system for operators and agents in the CallCenter; Software: Accounting through the Internet, web-based application. Working environment: Windows XP, Linux Ubuntu/OpenSUSE, Qt C++, Delphi, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery), Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Qt Creator, Adobe Fireworks, Agile development methods, tools like Jira and Confluence.