
Polina Sergeeva

Бажана країна або місто:


Заробітна плата:

Від 1000 EUR

Напрям діяльності

Готельно-ресторанний бізнес, туризм

Графік роботи

Повна зайнятість

Готовий до переїзду


Опис резюме

Hello, my name is Polina! I am a friendly and patient person. Fun to be around but also passionate about my job and interests. I can and am keen on mixing music. From my experience, I work equally well in teams and on my own. I also do pretty cool collages in photoshop. I am well-organised and have a daily timetable, everyday I do fitness and yoga for one or two hours.

Досвід роботи

01.06.2018 – 01.08.2018

Moon and turtle - panasian restaraunt and bar


◦ Created playlists based on concept or theme of a place. ◦ Designed sets live - mixed music continuously and made seamless transitions Izhevsk, Russia

01.10.2019 – 01.01.2020

"PurPur" aparthotel

Hotel receptionist

I worked in the hotel, located in the Prague city centre as a receptionist. I gained unique experience throughout my work here. One of the most important qualities that I obtained during my job are stress resistance, patience, conflict resolution skills and ability to make decisions quickly. My shift duties as a receptionist were: ◦ Meet and greet guests ◦ Consult people about any sort of questions about travelling in Prague ◦ Organise transfers to any location for hotel guests ◦ Process reservations in the hotel systems ◦ Answering phone calls in multiple language ◦ Solve any sort of technical, social and other problems and conflicts occuring within the hotel. ◦ Management of staff attendant efficient work (Cookers, chambermaids, repairmen) Prague, Czechia

01.06.2018 – 01.08.2018

Razum bar


◦ Created playlists based on concept or theme of a place. ◦ Designed sets live - mixed music continuously and made seamless transitions Izhevsk, Russia

01.04.2019 – 01.09.2019

"ViolArt" souvenir shop

Sales assistant

As a sales assistant in the souvenir shop, my usual duties were to: ◦ communicate with tourists from different countries ◦ promote the sale of souvenirs by their presentation in retail outlet. ◦ to stock out items in the most attractive way possible ◦ clean up shop at the end of the day

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