
Polina Shapovalova

Бажана країна або місто:


Заробітна плата:

Від 800 EUR

Напрям діяльності

Секретаріат, діловодство, агв

Графік роботи

Повна зайнятість

Готовий до переїзду


Опис резюме

I am a friendly Receptionist with 3-year background in hotel business. Knowledgeable about security, service and clerical requirements. Takes on multiple simultaneous tasks with good time management abilities and resourceful approach.Have an experience with UCAT test assessment and had a positive result.

Досвід роботи

01.09.2019 – 01.03.2019



1. Greeted incoming visitors and customers professionally and provided friendly, knowledgeable assistance. 2. Checked-in visitors, distributed visitor badges and managed logbooks to comply with security initiatives 3. Informed visitors by answering or referring inquiries. 4. Oversaw inventory activities, including materials monitoring, ordering or requisition and supply stocking or re-stocking. 5. Kept reception area clean and neat to give visitors positive first impression. 6. Corresponded with clients through email, telephone or postal mail.

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