Transport and Logistics

Daniel Pangang-at

Бажана країна або місто:


Заробітна плата:

Від 800 EUR

Напрям діяльності

Логістика, склад, зед

Графік роботи

Повна зайнятість

Готовий до переїзду


Опис резюме

To apply the skills and knowledge that I gained from my past work of experience, and to learn more in the future work I may encounter.

Досвід роботи

01.02.2020 – По теперішній час

EN-clean Contractor project

Forklift operator Loader

I am working here as Forklift operator, my main job is to load and unload items in the truck to be used in jobsite for construction projects.

01.05.2071 – 01.05.2019

Flow Logistics

MHE operator

My main Job is to Load And unload items from the truck and using fork lift computer mounted scanner. However we are not bound into one position we also have to help in different areas such as. Item picking, mini load area, parcel packing, replenishment, and Inbound recieving.

01.07.2011 – 01.01.2015

Top ace Motor works

Machine operator

My main job here is to operate Lathe and Milling machine, we are require to be able understand and read Blueprint, and should be able to use all measuring tools. We usually fabricate, rebore, resurface, and weld.

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